AWIS Ag Weather Email Services
The AWIS Ag Weather Email Service is customized to provide you with the information you need to prepare for an upcoming cold event, drought, severe weather, flood, and anything else mother nature is about to throw at you. After discussing your specific needs, we build a tailored set of forecast services for your unique situation. You get an easy to use briefing package that quickly tells you all you need to know. Have your farm specific personal weather briefing delivered to you each day via email.
Your Email Package will include:
Exclusive AWIS Agriculture Forecasts. This regional forecast alerts you to the possibility of a cold event and the potential severity, precipitation expectations for the coming days, likelihood of severe weather in your future, and many other forecast variables. A quick glance will tell you what you need to be aware of for the upcoming days.
7 Day Detailed Forecast. Fine tune your protection methods with this forecast. It includes hourly forecasts of dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dewpoint, wind speed and direction, inversion strength, precipitation amounts, and cloud cover.
7 Day Max and Min Temperature and Probability of Precipitation Forecast. A quick look at weather conditions for the next seven days, giving you an early indication of potential freezes and when rain may delay outdoor work. The potential for flooding or drought conditions can also be seen.
Agricultural Weather Forecast. The Agricultural Weather Forecast is packed full of information you can use to make daily operational decisions on your farm. Site specific, client driven variables are brought to the forefront. Tell us what is important to you and that's what we will focus on.
Visit The AWIS Store for examples of this product, or to purchase for a year. Samples of past products for Florida Growers and other small fruit growers are also available. We can create a unique to your operations product that will be delivered each morning to your inbox. Contact AWIS or call us Toll-Free at 1-888-798-9955 with questions or for a quote.
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