AWIS Weather Data Quality Control Procedures
AWIS Weather Services provides the most checked and cleaned data available today. Our quality control procedures are paralleled by non one else in the business. We do not sell satellite derived estimated data points. AWIS provides quality real-world weather observations that are extensively checked by humans on a daily basis. Our professional meteorologists put eyes on every piece of data that is ingested into our databases. We are working for our clients 365 days a year to assure the highest quality possible in our data. Our daily quality control consists of three steps:
Here is just a small sample of the automated quality control checks of our daily weather data:
Potential errors for: ny 07 18 10 SLK *** Precip Dif > 100 Obs: 124 Grid: 23|Elev: 1663 |#110 AM 07 18 10 WALN6 *** Min Dif > 10 Obs: 51 Grid: 62|Elev: 1240 |# 90 AM 24HRWe take elevation and observation time into account when reviewing potential errors.
Thousands of products are created after the above procedures are completed. If clients require products before quality control procedures are completed, preliminary products can be created and delivered. Updates are delivered after the quality control is completed.
Missing hourly data are estimated automatically when a single hour is missing. If several hours are missing the data may be estimated by one of our meteorologists. Missing parameters may also be estimated from gridded output.