AWIS Weather Forecasts
AWIS offers hourly, daily, weekly, and seasonal weather forecast variables any location worldwide. In the US, we have a higher density of hourly and daily forecast points. We have a special high resolution max or min temperature forecast that is generated for over 7,500 US forecast points. We create digital forecasts to feed your computers and models. We deliver forecasts for as many locations and weather parameters as you desire. Our powerful forecasts are normally delivered in a comma-delimited format. They are spreadsheet and database ready. We can also provide custom solutions to meet your needs.
Our proprietary forecast models have more detail, more weather parameters, and go out for 15 days. Hourly and daily forecasts are created as often as four times a day. We can forecast:
And any parameter that can be derived from these
If you don't see what you need, we can usually provide it.
Forecast Accuracy You can trust our forecasts. Our models are based on the latest, best science. We don't compromise on reliability just to make a sale. How accurate are our forecasts? We could claim to be accurate 99% of the time. But, how was that number derived? The best verification of our forecasts is that our clients make million-dollar decisions based on our forecasts. We continue to serve these clients year after year. Give us a shot, you will not be disappointed.
Forecast Graphics and Services A complete line of website and application Forecast Graphics and Data Services are available. Thousands of unique products are available for locations around the world. Here are some examples of text forecast outputs. Custom format is available upon request.
Forecast Process Our forecasts are not a repeat of forecasts from the National Weather Service. Frankly, we would not remain in business very long if we totally depended on their forecasts! Why? The forecasts they issue contain errors, inconsistencies, and don't include all the parameters that our clients demand. We do use their forecasts (as does every weather company) as part of our forecast process. First, we quality control some of their forecast outputs, removing common errors and inconsistencies. We then blend in our own proprietary forecast model outputs and produce a final forecast. We closely monitor our forecast outputs, and stay in constant contact with our clients that are using the forecasts. We can quickly make changes when a systematic problem is found. When problems are found in the government models, it can take months if not a year for them to correct their models. At the end of the day, we are here to make sure our customers receive the best and most accurate weather forecasts available.
For more information on how we generate client specific weather forecasts, reach out to a meteorolgoist.